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This is the home for the new webring...drumroll please
This ring is for any fiber arts crafters (knitting, crocheting, sewing etc.) that refuse to give in to the recent poncho fad! You do not have to be a Martha hater to join! I personally love her...just not her poncho! But please follow these simple rules:
1. The ring code must be displayed on your blog at all times. PLease feel free to take the button on the sidebar but remember to save it to you own server!!
2. Making ponchos for others is fine! Please just be opposed to wearing one.
3. Any site that have any type of adult or pornographic material on them will be deleted immediately and blacklisted on this webring FOREVER!!!! Please be family friendly!
4. You must have a working blog that you post to regularly, at least once a week. Any blogs that appear to have been abandoned will be deleted.
5. Please be one who knits, crochets or creates anything with any type of fabric or yarn.
Thanks for looking and I look forward to sharing my non love of ponchos! Remember...dislike the poncho not the wearer!!!
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